211. The following lists include most simple verbs of the 3rd Conjugation, classed according to the formation of the Perfect Stem.

a. Forming the Perfect stem in s [x] (§ 177. b and Note).

angō, ānxī  choke claudō, clausī, claus-  shut
carpō, carpsī, carpt-  pluck cōmō, cōmpsī, cōmpt-  comb, deck
cēdō, cessī, cess-  yield coquō, coxī, coct-  cook
cingō, cīnxī, cīnct-  bind -cutiō, -cussī, -cuss-  shake
dēmō, dēmpsī, dēmpt-  take away quatiō, (-cussī), quass-  shake
dīcō, dīxī, dict-  say rādō, rāsī, rās-  scrape
dīvidō, dīvīsī, dīvīs-  divide regō, rēxī, rēct-  rule
dūcō, dūxī, duct-  guide rēpō, rēpsī  creep
ēmungō, -mūnxī, -mūnct-  clean out rōdō, rōsī, rōs-  gnaw
fīgō, fīxī, fīx-  fix scalpō, scalpsī, scalpt-  scrape
fingō [FIG], fīnxī, fict-  fashion scrībō, scrīpsī, scrīpt-  write
flectō, flexī, flex-  bend sculpō, sculpsī, sculpt-  carve
-flīgō, -flīxī, -flīct-  smite serpō, serpsī  crawl
fluō, flūxī, flux-  flow spargō, sparsī, spars-  scatter
frendō , , frēs- (fress-)  gnash -spiciō, -spexī, -spect-  view
frīgō, frīxī, frīct-  fry -stinguō, -stīnxī,
-stīnct-  quench
gerō, gessī, gest-  carry stringō, strīnxī, strict-  bind
iungō, iūnxī, iūnct-  join struō, strūxī, strūct-  build
laedō, laesī, laes-  hurt sūgō, sūxī, sūct-  suck
-liciō, -lexī, -lect-, (ēlicuī-licit-)  entice sūmō, sūmpsī, sūmpt-  take
lūdo, lūsī, lūs-  play surgō, surrēxī, surrēct-  rise
mergō, mersī, mers-  plunge tegō, tēxī, tēct-  shelter
mittō, mīsī, miss-  send temnō, -tempsī,
-tempt-  despise
nectō [NEC], nexī (nexuī), nex-  weave tergō, tersī, ters-  wipe
nūbō, nūpsi, nūpt-  marry tingō, tīnxī, tīnct-  stain
pectō, pexī, pex-  comb trahō, trāxī, trāct-  drag
pergō, perrēxī, perrēct-  go on trūdō, trūsī, trūs-  thrust
pingō [PIG], pīnxī, pict-  paint unguō (ungō), ūnxī, ūnct-  anoint
plangō [PLAG], plānxī, plānct-  beat ūrō, ussī, ust-  burn
plaudō, plausī, plaus-  applaud vādō, -vāsī, -vās-  go
plectō, plexī, plex-  braid vehō, vēxī, vect-  draw
premō, pressī, press-  press vīvō, vīxī, vīct-  live
prōmō, -mpsī, -mpt  bring out

b. Reduplicated in the Perfect (§ 177.c).

cadō, cecĭdī, cās-  fall pariō, peperī, part- (paritūrus)  bring forth
caedō, cecīdī, caes-  cut pellō, pepulī, puls-  drive
canō, cecinī  sing pendō, pependī, pēns-  weigh
currō, cucurrī, curs-  run poscōpoposcī  demand
discō [DIC], didicī  learn pungō [PUG], pupugī
(-pūnxī), pūnct-  prick
-dō [DHA], -didī, -dit- (as in ab-dō, etc., with crēdō, vēndō)  put sistō [STA], stitī, stat-  stop
fallō, fefellī, fals-  deceive tangō [TAG], tetigī, tāct-  touch
pangō [PAG], pepigī (-pēgī), pāct-  fasten, fix, bargain tendō [TEN], tetendī
(-tendī), tent-  stretch
parcō, pepercī (parsī), (parsūrus)  spare tundō [TUD], tutudī, tūns- (-tūs-)  beat

c. Adding u (v) to the verb root (§ 177.a).

alō, aluī, alt- (alit-)  nourish compēscōcompēscuī  restrain
cernō, crēvī, -crēt-  decree cōnsulō, -luī, cōnsult-  consult
colō, coluī, cult-  dwell, till crēscō, crēvī, crēt-  increase
-cumbō [CUB], -cubuī
-cubit-  lie down
rapiō, rapuī, rapt-  seize
depsō, depsuī, depst-  knead scīscō, scīvī, scīt-  decree
fremō, fremuī  roar serō, sēvī, sat-  sow
gemō, gemuī  groan serō, seruī, sert-  entwine
gignō [GEN], genuī, genit-  beget sinō, sīvī, sit-  permit
metō, messuī, -mess-  reap spernō, sprēvī, sprēt-  scorn
molō, moluī, molit-  grind sternō, strāvī, strāt-  strew
occulō, occuluī, occult-  hide stertō, -stertuī  snore
ad)olēscō, -ēvī, -ult-  grow up strepō, strepuī  sound
pāscō, pāvī, pāst-  feed suēscō, suēvī, suēt-  be wont
percellō, -culī, -culs-  upset texō, texuī, text-  weave
pōnō [POS], posuī, posit-  put tremō, tremuī  tremble
quiēscō, quiēvī, quiēt-  rest vomō, vomuī  vomit

d. Adding iv to the verb root (§ 177.f).

arcessō,1 -īvī, arcessīt- summon petō, petīvī, petīt- seek
capessō, capessīvī undertake quaerōquaesīvīquaesīt-
cupiō, cupīvī, cupīt- desire rudō, rudīvī bray
incessō, incessīvī attack sapiō, sapīvī be wise
lacessōlacessīvīlacessīt- provoke terō, trīvī, trīt- rub

e. Lengthening the vowel of the root (cf. § 177.d).

agō, ēgī, āct- drive iaciō, iēcī, iact- (-iciō-iect-) throw
capiō, cēpī, capt- take lavō, lāvī, lōt- (laut-) wash
(also regular of 1st conjugation)
edō, ēdī, ēsum eat
(see § 201)
legō,2 lēgī, lēct- gather
emō, ēmī, ēmpt- buy linō [LI], lēvī (līvī), lit- smear
faciō, fēcī, fact- make
(see § 204)
linquō [LIC], -līquī, -lict- leave
fodiō, fōdī, foss- dig nōscō [GNO], nōvī, nōt-
(cō-gnit-ā-gnit-, ad-gnit-)
frangō [FRAG], frēgī, frāct- break rumpō [RUP], rūpī, rupt- burst
fugiō, fūgī, (fugitūrusflee scabō, scābī scratch
fundō [FUD], fūdī, fūs- pour vincō [VIC], vīcī, vict- conquer

f. Retaining the present stem or verb-root (cf. § 177.e).

acuō, -uī, -ūt-  sharpen imbuō, -uī, -ūt-  give a taste of
arguō, -uī, -ūt-  accuse luō, luī, -lūt-  wash
bibō, bibī, (pōtus)  drink mandō, mandī, māns-  chew
-cendō, -cendī, -cēns-  kindle metuō, -uī, -ūt  fear
con)gruō, -uī  agree minuō, -uī, -ūt-  lessen
cūdō, -cūdī, -cūs-  forge -nuō, -nuī  nod
facessō, -iī (facessī), facessīt-  execute pandō, pandī, pāns- (pass-)  open
-fendō, -fendī, -fēns-  ward off pīnsō, -sī, pīns- (pīnst-, pīst-)  bruise
findō [FID], fidī,3 fiss-  split prehendō, -hendī, -hēns-  seize
īcō, īcī, ict-  hit ruō, ruī, rut- (ruitūrus)  fall
scandō, -scendī, -scēnsus  climb suō, suī, sūt-  sew
scindō [SCID], scidī,4 sciss-  tear ex), -uī, -ūt-  put off
sīdō, sīdī (-sēdī), -sess-  settle tribuō, -uī, -ūt-  assign
solvō, solvī, solūt-  loose, pay vellō, vellī (-vulsī), vuls-  pluck
spuō, -uī  spit verrō, -verrī, vers-  sweep
statuō, -uī, -ūt-  establish vertō, vertī, vers-  turn
sternuo, -uī—  sneeze vīsō [VID], vīsī, vīs-  visit
strīdō, strīdī—  whiz volvō, volvī, volūt-  turn

Note— Several have no perfect or supine.

claudō  limp
fatīscō  gape
hīscō  yawn
tollō (sustulī, sublātum, supplied from sufferō)  raise
vergō  incline


1. Sometimes accersō, etc.

2. The following compounds of legō have -lēxī: dīligō, intellegō, neglegō.

3. In this the perfect stem is the same as the verb root, having lost the reduplication (§ 177.c, Note).

4. See footnote 3.